What Questions Can You Never Answer Yes To?
We all find ourselves in situations where we have to answer a question. It may be from a friend, a colleague, a teacher or a stranger – but the answer can often be yes or no. But what about those questions that we can never answer yes to? We explore some of those questions in this article.
Why Do You Ask?
This is one of the most common questions that you'll come across. It's usually asked when someone is curious about your motives or intentions. You can't answer yes to this question because the answer is subjective, and depends on the context. You can, however, explain why you asked the question.
What Is Your Opinion?
This is another question that you can never answer yes to. Your opinion is subjective and will always depend on the situation. It's important to remember that everyone has their own opinion and it's important to respect that.
Can You Explain?
This is another question that you can never answer yes to. You can, however, explain what you mean by your statement or question. Explaining your point of view will help the other person understand your perspective.
Are You Sure?
This is a tricky question because it requires you to question your own certainty. You can never answer yes to this question as it implies that you may be wrong or uncertain about something. It's best to explain why you are sure about something or why you have made a certain decision.
Do You Understand?
This question is asked when someone wants to make sure that you understand a concept or idea. You can never answer yes to this question because understanding is a subjective experience. You can, however, explain what you understand in response to this question.
What Is The Answer?
This question is usually asked when someone is looking for an answer to a question. You can never answer yes to this question because the answer depends on the context of the question. You can, however, provide your opinion or advice on the matter.
Can You Help?
This question is asked when someone needs help with something. You can never answer yes to this question because it depends on whether you are able to help or not. You can, however, explain how you can help or provide support in the situation.
These are some of the questions that you can never answer yes to. Remember, it's important to think before you answer and explain why you are answering a certain way. This will help you better understand the context of the question and provide a more nuanced response.