Never Have I Ever Questions – Funny and Entertaining
What is Never Have I Ever?
Never Have I Ever is a popular drinking game that can also be played without the consumption of alcohol. It is a simple game that is fun and entertaining to play with friends and family. The game is played by each player revealing something they have not done, and those who have done it take a drink. Depending on the group, players may also reveal a funny story or embarrassing moment that happened to them as part of their never have I ever statement.
How to Play?
To play, each player takes turns in a circle stating something they have never done (e.g. “Never have I ever been skydiving”). If any of the players have done the action mentioned, they must take a drink. The game continues until all players have had a turn. To make the game more interesting and fun, players can also make up their own never have I ever questions.
Never Have I Ever Questions – Funny and Entertaining
For those looking for some funny and entertaining never have I ever questions, here is a list of some of the best ones:
- Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person
- Never have I ever snuck out of the house
- Never have I ever forgotten my own birthday
- Never have I ever slept through an entire day
- Never have I ever pretended to be sick to get out of something
- Never have I ever taken a selfie with a stranger
- Never have I ever eaten something off the floor
- Never have I ever gotten lost for hours in a mall
- Never have I ever worn the same outfit twice in the same week
- Never have I ever danced on a table
- Never have I ever eaten a whole pizza in one sitting
- Never have I ever accidentally called someone by the wrong name
- Never have I ever gotten a ticket for a driving violation
- Never have I ever tried to take a selfie with a wild animal
- Never have I ever done something I regret while drunk
- Never have I ever forgotten my own phone number
Never Have I Ever is a great game to play with friends and family. It can be a great way to break the ice and get to know someone, or just have a good time. Of course, there are lots of funny and entertaining questions that can be used to make the game even more fun!