How to Play 20 Questions
20 Questions is a classic guessing game. One player thinks of an object, person, or place and the other players take turns asking up to 20 yes or no questions to try to guess what the person is thinking of. This game can be played in many different ways with different rules, making it a great game to play with friends and family. Read on to learn how to play 20 questions and add some of your own rules to make the game even more fun.
Setting Up the Game
Before you start the game, you need to decide who is going to be the "answerer" and who is going to be the "guesser". The answerer is the person who is thinking of the object, person, or place and the guesser is the person who is trying to guess. The answerer should choose something that can be guessed in 20 questions or less, otherwise the game can go on for too long.
Asking the Questions
Once the answerer has chosen something to be guessed, the guesser can start asking questions. The guesser can ask up to 20 yes or no questions to help them figure out what the answerer is thinking of. If the guesser can guess the answer in fewer than 20 questions, then the game is over and the guesser wins. If the guesser can't guess after 20 questions, then the answerer wins.
Adding Variations
There are many different variations you can add to the game of 20 questions to make it more fun. For example, you could give the answerer clues to help the guesser narrow down the list of possible answers. You could also have the guesser list out multiple possible answers and have the answerer tell them which one is correct. You can also decide that the guesser can ask more than 20 questions if they need more time to figure out the answer.
Playing the Game in Teams
You can also play 20 questions in teams. In this variation, each team takes turns being the guesser and the answerer. The team that can guess the most correct answers in the least amount of questions wins the game. This variation is great for larger groups and can help make the game more competitive.
Playing 20 Questions Online
If you want to play 20 questions online, there are a few different websites that offer the game. These websites usually have a computer-generated answerer that you can play against. You can also find apps that let you play 20 questions with your friends or family. These apps are a great way to play the game with people who live far away.
20 questions is a classic guessing game that can be played with friends and family. The game can be played with just two people or in teams, and you can also play online. There are also many variations you can add to make the game more challenging or more fun. So grab some friends and get ready to play 20 questions!